Flandrels Tale (A first person account of Roghli’s D&D adventure)

I was only 4 when the monsters came. Four years old and they chose to give me to the elements. Had it not been for the tree man, I surely would have been devoured! So why is it then, that 23 years of my life dedicated to this… his… their (!) path, and the best I can muster is convincing the roots of some trees to make it annoying to farm?

Though I have started to gain an understanding of the insects and smaller critters, the greater power of being able to have a conversation with them eludes me yet. Had the man that saved me stuck around longer than he did, perhaps I would be better at these things, but I digress. What follows will be my account of my experiences following the flora all quietly screaming out… “DEATH!”

When you go so long hearing nothing to suddenly hearing the, well, everything (!) yelling somehow in a whisper… you bet the thing you do is try to find out why!

Twenty-three years of self-exile – isolation with no single other being that speaks my language, I have decided to leave my den and seek out an answer to why the very Earth seems afraid! I stumbled upon an interesting display in this “metropolis.” It would seem I am not the only one who is looking into this matter. There on this board was a message seeking “Adventurers” to sus out this “Death” nonsense. Interesting enough, there was another of my kind, although she seemed… lesser than I. I feel she could be interesting to speak with. That is assuming she does not try to attack me! There was also a Tiefling, a Dragonborn, a Halfling, and many, many insects around!

We took the message and followed its directions. Well, technically I followed this group, but either way, we went to a “Tavern” or maybe… was it an “Inn” perhaps? It matters not. We went to a large People-container made from dead Trees and Earth. There we met “Syndra,” a frail looking being who told us of this “Death Curse” and “Soul Monger” then gave us metal pieces and opened a strange door to a place called “Chult” …

Following that harrowing adventure into the “Portal” we arrived at this interesting new land. Where our Adventure truly seemed to begin.

Speaking with Syndra, we quickly learned of a few locations on the island nation of Chult. It would appear we arrived in what the others are calling a “Port Town.” This place was called Port Nyanzaru. I followed the others around for a bit and we ended up in a building that offers food, drink, and a room we can stay in.

The others chose to speak with the owner and make Friends looking for someone called “Guide.” While I am not sure who this “Guide” fellow is, I thought I might go out and find some friends in this new location.

Almost as soon as I stepped outside, I was offered some fertilizer from a passing canary or bird of some sort. Unfortunately, I did not have the storage capacity to take it with me. From there I was off to say hello to the local flora.

I quickly found that the sky in this land is made of barrels and when it rains, full barrels fall at once!

I was caught off guard by this as someone screamed “lookout” as one of these “rain barrels” connected with my head. Suffice to say, I was quite caught by surprise, waking up a short time later at the hands of my fellow Yuan-ti. This is how I made my first friend. Tanazí. She is what the town’s folk call an “Urchin.” She woke me up and I was quite under the weather, so I grew some “circle-bursters.” They always bring my spirits up! Apparently, my circle-bursters are typically called “Goodberries.”

Scarfing them down, I was reinvigorated. My new friends noticed there was something going on, on the roof, so we went inside to find out how to get up there.

I ran inside and climbed the stairs, running right to the portal back outside, stopping in my tracks as I was not quite sure what to do. This portal out was smaller and lined with wood. Unsure how it worked, I waited for the others to arrive. They assembled and would you Believe me if I told you, this Portal alters the nature of the world!! I watched as the Dragonborn stepped out and lifted up! Followed by the small ones diving out and flying up!!! Twice in a row! It was finally my turn, so I ran, jumped, and was pulled up to the roof – it was magic!

Upon the Roof we met a new friend. His name was Siz. He was also a Yuan-ti. He indicated involvement in the sky barrel, but I’m not 100% sure how. I’m not sure what all happened next; our friends ran after Siz who decided to Play a game of Jump. They all leapt over to the next roof, but our poor Dragonborn friend missed his landing and took a small hit to the jaw. Luckily someone used that portal’s magic on him and he floated safely to the ground below! Siz suggested that he was the one to cause the sky to rain barrels, but I find it hard to follow. That seems off as rain is a part of nature! Regardless, we chatted a bit more and Siz decided to play the Jumping game again.

He took off running towards the gap only to miss and fall into the alley below. On his way, he mentioned having another apparently angry friend, “Ras-nsi,” whom I can’t wait to meet!

Our Dragonborn friend was unfortunately too dizzy still and was not able to catch Siz. He ended up landing… not well… We discussed eating him, but no one else wanted to join me, so we instead placed him in a barrel. We went back inside and found out we could go shopping close by and perhaps speak with some of the local snakes.

We met a nice person who for some reason housed all of his animal friends in metal boxes. While I can’t say I am a fan, I suppose to each their own.

In a stout barrel I found a collection of snake friends and was able to make friends with one whom I shall call Nopus Ropus. Nopus, being the wise snake that he is, took me to be a Deity. So, I suggested he and his friends come join me on my adventure.

We were then again off to visit some other shops, one of which had a beautiful mastiff named Ponya who joined us on our adventure as well. During all of this I felt myself growing closer to nature. This came in very handy when I was confronted by an Ankylosaurus!!! But that is getting ahead of myself. After leaving the markets, we headed back toward the “Tavern” I guess they call it. Supposedly there was or is a Thundering Lizard concealed in the building!

Either way, on our way back we made the choice to watch a small play about Goblins or Kobolds or something. The Ranger had some words about it, but I could not quite gather what she meant! When all of a sudden, this larger fellow we had seen earlier… No, no, that’s also not exactly right… The larger fellow was prior to the play! Yes! That’s how it went. We came upon him on our way back to the Tavern from visiting the shops. He was fighting with some other locals and came bumbling towards us, mumbling about things being unfair. At least, that’s how I remember things going. Anyways!

We had ourselves an attempted chat, but I felt he was being disrespectful, so I went to give him a tap! This apparently aroused the orcish fiend and he decided it was time to tussle! I felt imbued with the essence of nature and my staff began to glow in my hands. So I did what any druid would do in this very specific particular predicament. I tapped him on the chest in an effort to gain his attention for us to discuss why he was having words with these other people. He then assaulted us all. The Dragonborn then decided to slug him in the face! Our ranger shot him, and the cleric… no, Tanazí Tebeede (!) lit him on fire with her god’s wrath!

Suffice to say I am amused by the interactions of my new friends!

We bested the fiend and made off with his belongings at the behest of the bard. It was then that we ran into the children’s play about Goblins, I think, followed by the most interesting event of the day thus far. A large Ankylosaurus broke loose from his leash and was charging at the children. I did my best to try and convince him that we were his friend… but somehow instead transformed into a mastiff… this confused me so much that I was unable to help my friends get along with our new large lizard acquaintance…

They unfortunately killed him thinking he was intending to harm the children. Having experienced so much new and exciting experiences, well, I must admit as a newborn… full grown mastiff, I might have peed a tiny bit. Not wanting to be wasteful, my friends took the poor monster’s body parts and made use of them. Nothing worse than pointless wanton death after all.

We went to the market and unloaded the dino’s body with a man who could make use of the parts and parted ways to try and communicate with the Trade Prince that Syndra is friends with, Wakanga Otamu. The Trade Prince has a lovely, all be it bright and shiny, “tavern” I think they call them? I’ll have to inquire later.

Anywho, the place was very clean and furnished with interesting things. Colorful floor coverings, colorful wall coverings, etc. He agreed to help us procure something called a “collapsible canoe,” whatever that is. He was also able to tell us that the bag we got from the oafish fellow is called a “Hoover’s Handy Haversack,” an interesting item that seems bigger on the inside! After all of this, we finally went back to the first “Tavern” we came to that has the hidden Thundering Lizard.

While my friends talk to their new friend “Volo,” I think I might ask around about where this Thundering Lizard might be! Either way thus far it has been an interesting day and I can no wait to see what tomorrow brings. I think we are going to try and find a wizard… Or help someone go somewhere! Anything is possible, but I can’t shake the feeling I might be being watched!



Roghli Is Live Darn, I am offline right now, feel free to follow anyway!