Weekly Schedule

As the title says this is just another schedule update on what the plan for the week is going to try and be. If you have any feedback or questions by all means please feel free to bring them up on the Hearts and stuff discord channel, or in stream on the following days!

Monday: Chainmail ( making more chains and chatting)
Tuesday: Likely off to run errands
Wednesday: Chainmail cause I like to be creative!
Thursday: Liver damage
Friday: Games!!!!!! (not sure what I will be in the mood for but playing something until the wee hours of the night sounds fun!)

As always, I appreciate all of you and could not be where I am without you. I can’t wait to see you all there joking around and giving me shit while I make things. So hope to see you all soon!!!

Roghli Is Live Darn, I am offline right now, feel free to follow anyway!